"Bjarne B�ckstr�m" wrote in message news:200010120307433041802@t4o921p87.telia.com... > Tucker Taft wrote: > > [...] > > someone claimed that "Ichbiah" was Swedish for "iceberg" and that > > is why 90% of the complexity of Ada 83 was hidden below the surface. > > Sorry to disappoint you, but "iceberg" is "isberg" in Swedish ... > even less complex than the English version. :-) ... which leads me to annoy you with telling that the Finnish (finnish ;-) word for iceberg is j��vuori ( j auml auml v u o r i, maybe your screen does not show the auml letter) which is pronounced EXACTLY sorry, exactly, as it is written: short sound for one letter, long sound for two letters. Just try. Isn't the Finnish language easy ? Anders