"Pascal Obry" wrote in message news:43EC6B05.90807@obry.net... > adaworks@sbcglobal.net a �crit : > > In a recent article about safety-critical software, the author, > > an employee of Aonix, manages to avoid even one mention > > of Ada. He seems to be unaware that, in the safety-critical > > And I receive flyers from Aonix on Real Time Java from time to time... > but it has been a long time since they sent me a flyer related to Ada :( > > Pascal. I agree. I used to receive Ada information from Aonix, see them publish ads for Ada, and be active in promoting it. Ever since they did, probably one of the dumbest things they ever did, close the Boston office and lose their best Ada people, they seem to have lost interest in promoting their Ada products. This is unfortunate because they continue to have good technology, good people involved in updating that technology, and Ada products that deserve more publicity. It seems the current management simply does not understand the importance of keeping Ada enthusiasts interested in their products. We are the people who make clients and others aware of the choices among Ada products. The failure, if there is one, needs to be laid at the feet of a management that has no sense of how to lead the industry using the excellent technology they have available to them. Of course, failure of leadership is a common problem throughout industry so I guess they can coast for a long time before this catches up with them. Richard Riehle