I have both of these installed on W2K with no problem. The only thing I can think of to check is whether you have the service pak for W2K. SteveD "Roger Gari�py" wrote in message news:5KZH6.33$aV.7634@news20.bellglobal.com... > For technical reasons I had to install on my computer Windows 2000. > > When I tried to re-install Gnat 3.13p and Aonix Object Ada 7.2 both refuse > to install. It seem to be Installshield to be the culprtit. Reading some > files I discover that Installshield don't know Windows 2000, it stop to > WindowsNT 4.0. I saw Gnat 3.12p on a Windows 2000 machine that was > functionning, but I dont't know were to find this old version. > > Can some body help me? > > -------------------------------------------------------- > Roger Gari�py :-) <- :-( > rgariepy@rocler.qc.ca > >