do send a copy my way :-). if you please Robert. -- St�phane Richard "Ada World" Webmaster "Robert I. Eachus" wrote in message > I put together an XML DOCTYPE for a Ada Component Registry, and tried it > out on GNADE. If anyone who understands XML would like to look at it and > criticize, I'll send you a copy. But right now I consider it too > preliminary to let loose in the wild. I'll probably have a much better > worked out version by the end of next week. (Oops! Mental note to self, > the registry itself needs a version number. ;-) > > I picked GNADE as a test case though, expecting it to be a decent stress > test. Boy was it! For me as well as the XML grammer. I'd like to > comment on a few things that I found and what they mean for a formal > registry, or for the Common Ada Library. > > One of the things that the registry does is makes the Zip or tar or > whatever file that you can download more accessable. Much more > accessable. Amazingly more accessable. GNADE as delivered has over a > dozen directories and if you actually compile it, creates a few more. > (And just to confuse you puts some stuff into existing directories > outside the GNADE structure.) With the registry, you can look and see > that most of the source files are children of GNU.DB, and that package > declaration can be found in > > > -- > Robert I. Eachus > > "Quality is the Buddha. Quality is scientific reality. Quality is the > goal of Art. It remains to work these concepts into a practical, > down-to-earth context, and for this there is nothing more practical or > down-to-earth than what I have been talking about all along...the repair > of an old motorcycle." -- from Zen and the Art of Motorcycle > Maintenance by Robert Pirsig >