Yeah, it's a step in the right direction :-). I just emailed him again to arrange another phone call if he can. I also stated questions and issues (as in what we'd like from vendors in general). so he can answer them if he can't call we'll see tomorrow or tuesday :-). -- St�phane Richard "Ada World" Webmaster "Marin David Condic" wrote in message > Well, that's something. ACT is probably the most active in enhancing > their Ada product - I don't know what the other vendors are up to or if > they anticipate making any significant enhancements to their compiler at > all. If ACT were driving it and it was available for other vendors to > adopt, that might be a suitable way to go. > > It might be a good idea to get a read on the relative interest of other > vendors and some fix on how actively they are developing their compiler. > That's where the ARG could be useful - if a vendor has a representative > on the ARG, they are probably interested in Ada's future, have some > willingness to extend their Ada product and could be asked to comment on > the interest in a library. If they don't have a representative on the > ARG, then its a good bet they aren't terribly interested in any future > enhancements to their Ada compiler - if they don't care enough about > major syntactic/semantic changes to Ada, then they almost certainly > won't care about a relatively lesser thing like a library. > > One other thing the ARG would be good for - comment on what is already > planned or likely to be planned for the next issue of Ada. I had heard > talk of a file system interface package and probably some additional > things, but I don't know that there is a current plan to have any sort > of containers. They might conceivably comment on two other issues: 1) If > Ada were to get a CAL, what should the first area(s) of priority be? > (Containers? Math? Network? OS?...) 2) Are there any criteria they would > find important in ultimately accepting or rejecting a CAL as being "part > of Ada"? (Style issues? Domain issues? Platform issues? - Basically what > sorts of things might get the CAL shot down and rejected.) > > Since we have an ARG member (or two, or three...) listening in - maybe > there's some comment? Say something to me off line if you'd prefer to > discuss it out of the public eye. (See my return address in the .SIG) > > MDC > > Stephane Richard wrote: > > Well I talked to ACT quickly, I'm still waiting for a phone call which it > > looks like I'll have to remind them of it seems :-). But nonetheless, they > > did recognize the effort, they do follow c.l.a. pretty good, now to wait for > > em to say something. but I need to talk to that dude first. Guess at the > > time it was too early to pronounce themselves but they didn't categorically > > reject it either (so far). Maybe all they are waiting for is something to > > look at (hence what Robert is doing) so they can see how it is planned to > > work, give them a basis of an idea of what it might look like and as Robert > > said how easily usable it is as far as concepts goes. > > > > I'll get in touch with them again monday probably. > > > > > -- > ====================================================================== > Marin David Condic > I work for: > My project is: > > Send Replies To: m c o n d i c @ a c m . o r g > > "So if I understand 'The Matrix Reloaded' correctly, the Matrix is > basically a Microsoft operating system - it runs for a while and > then crashes and reboots. By design, no less. Neo is just a > memory leak that's too hard to fix, so they left him in... The > users don't complain because they're packed in slush and kept > sedated" > > -- Marin D. Condic > ====================================================================== >