"Georg Bauhaus" a �crit dans le message news: 9kchn1$lng$1@a1-hrz.uni-duisburg.de... > : He is right, and almost every software users do the same. > > Almost every... May I again ask for evidence? Have you ever met people considering that computers are just tools ? I guess the misunderstanding comes from the fact that - Most programmers like computers, this is a hobby, they have a lot of fun playing with them - the rest of the world use a computer or a software like a TV set, a coffee machine or whatever you want. the important point is that it must work more or less, be easy to use, nobody cares what's inside ... Nobody cares if it comes from the evil Microsoft or the good whatever you want ... Nobody wants to spend 5 hours reading a doc before a basic use of the product You'd never accept to have to read the doc of a new car or motorbike before you can find where are the brakes ... Would you ? The day programmers will understand how the rest of the world thinks, this will be a giant step forward Now, about all what we were talking about, I guess softwares would much better meet users requirements if programmers had not so much fun playing with computers. Popular languages are used by a lot of people, more and more programming just for work, and having fun with everything but computers outside the office. So they are evolving to be useful tools, because those guys don't accept weird things you can only appreciate if you have fun with computers. If Ada doesn't go that way, we have to worry.