> You are describing a huge amount of work. Cataloging random code is > hard. Do you really have the resources to keep doing that for the next > 20 years? How are you currently getting paid? > > Marin has an article in the current Ada Letters that goes into some of > this; good reading. > > -- > -- Stephe Indeed I am aren't I? if it's what it takes it's what I'll do, and as for getting paid, call it all (website and the Ada Library should it happen) my contribution to the free community :-). I'm doing this for free. And the resources I currently use for it (web space and development) are my own. it's my endeavour to Ada and it's community. All the software I use is OpenSource and requires but my time :-) not my money. Before I go ahead and do that, I'm getting in touch with a few key peole right now to see if there's another way or perhaps something already started or done (and still active) that we may or may not know about. that we could harnest or consult in a reasonable fashion. Whether I make it or I use (if something's viable somewhere) I dont mind either way, but I do like the idea of having one. As for querying the database and producing expected results, I already have a lot of it done based on other projects I did, so I'd be lying to say I'll be creating 100% of it all :-)....but I will be creating a good part of it however. :-). -- St�phane Richard "Ada World" Webmaster http://www.adaworld.com