"Larry Kilgallen" a �crit dans le message news: b1FHvLfJLJqb@eisner.encompasserve.org... > But unless they are the same bits on the disk, they are a different > file. On VMS you would use the 6 byte file ID and the 64 byte device > ID to determine uniqueness. I am sure the same construct must exist > on other operating systems. > > Granted, someone writing a tool may neglect to consider the situation > you describe, but that is still just an implementation bug. > Well we just checked gnamake sources to see what was wrong. We drop VMS support for our products a few years ago, and we never had to rely on this kind of file identification. I don't know if such file ID exists for Windows Unixes or Linux. It would be interesting to know that. Timestamps can be changed, checksum can prove file are different, but not identical. I wouldn't trust them if safety concerns are involved.