> Jean-Pierre Rosen wrote: > > sjw a �crit : > > > > With S := Speed(Float(L) / Float(T)) ? Mmmm ... not nice. > > Why not nice? [...] > I thought it was not nice, because if I change the three types > Length, Time and Speed from Float to My_Float, then I have to modify: > S := Speed(My_Float(L) / My_Float(T)) Indeed! Better, you start with My_Float at the beginning type My_Float is new Float; -- change this, if you need type Length is new My_Float; type Time is new My_Float; type Speed is new My_Float; and later write S := Speed(My_Float(L) / My_Float(T)); This is logically the same as before, but you can change the definition of My_Float to whatever kind of floating-point operation you like ... So long Stefan -- ------ Stefan Lucks -- Bauhaus-University Weimar -- Germany ------ Stefan dot Lucks at uni minus weimar dot de ------ I love the taste of Cryptanalysis in the morning! ------