--...compatibility is defined as a license that does not "impose any further restrictions". Yes the GPL is compatible with itself in this sense, but it is also compatible with any less restrictive license. (Dewar) --Hmmm... So a license slightly more restrictive than GPL may be compatible with GPL. --No, that's false (perhaps there is a language problem, but the sentence you quote from me is quite incompatible with your conclusion). (Dewar) --You are probably right. What I meant is an _open_source_ license (e.g. AdĒlib's) slightly more restrictive than GPL may be compatible with GPL. Thanks. | |,| | | |RuaFranciscoTaborda24RcD 2815-249CharnecaCaparica 351+939354005 |M|A|R|I|O| |A|M|A|D|O|DepartmentoDeInformaticaFCT/UNL 2825-114 Caparica 351+212958536 |A|L|V|E|S| fax 212948541 | | | | | | maa@di.fct.unl.pt FCT 212948300