> [ADaLIB] > > The license isn't compatible with the Debian Free Software Guidelines > either. URL? > The notification requirement is particularly obnoxious. Ouch! The idea here is to collect usage metrics to help quantify the AdĒlib software process: I could not think of any other way to do this. Suggestions? There is much talk of (personal) software process, but no practice. The only way to evaluate software engineering issues is experimentally, and for that we need data. But if it turns out that a notification requirement is really that much offensive I will drop it. Thanks. | |,| | | |RuaFranciscoTaborda24RcD 2815-249CharnecaCaparica 351+939354005 |M|A|R|I|O| |A|M|A|D|O|DepartmentoDeInformaticaFCT/UNL 2825-114 Caparica 351+212958536 |A|L|V|E|S| fax 212948541 | | | | | | maa@di.fct.unl.pt FCT 212948300