On Sat, 2 Sep 2000, Miky wrote: > I just discovered ADA (too late huh) and I'm wondering if there some > resources out there that focus on ADA in web development and network > programming (ie. sockets etc..). > Thanks. > I do web development with Ada; many resources I use are in AdĒlib at http://lexis.di.fct.unl.pt/ADaLIB/index.htm. | |,| | | |RuaFranciscoTaborda24RcD 2815-249CharnecaCaparica 351+939354002 |M|A|R|I|O| |A|M|A|D|O|DepartmentoDeInformaticaFCT/UNL 2825-114 Caparica 351+212958536 |A|L|V|E|S| fax 212948541 | | | | | | maa@di.fct.unl.pt FCT 212948300