On Tue, 18 Apr 2000, Jean-Pierre Rosen wrote: > Brian Rogoff a écrit dans le message : > Pine.BSF.4.21.0004180935170.25887-100000@shell5.ba.best.com... > >On Tue, 18 Apr 2000, Jean-Pierre Rosen wrote: > >> Exceptions are not called "errors". > > > >Refresh my memory then. What is the name of the exception which signals > >the end of a stream? :-) > But of course, errors are one kind of exceptions... Right, but my point is that the name choice "End_Error" was a very bad one because this exception is not likely an error, but simply the exceptional case of the stream being out of data. In my favorite "functional" language, this case is signalled by an exception named "End_of_file" which is a better name IMO. -- Brian