I CALL THEM AS I SEE THEM! TROLL. And for me I do not care what you think of my CREDIBILITY is, but since a lot of you have decided to fight, I think most that will read these post here would say your CREDIBILITY, is the one that is zero. Because at some point I give information that can be seen as legal proof. None of you have any true proof only state what you want to say. Just like this post, no proof, only your opinion! If you give useful information then you are helping. But to arguing about English semantic and calling people lairs is a TROLL and ONLY a TROLL. Which this newgroups from the first time I made a post just proves that you are TROLLS. And every newgroups have 100s of TROLLS running around. As long as people agree with them they are quite but when someone question them or trys to make them THINK they ATTACK in packs!!!! ALSO DOES FIGHTING WITH ME ADD OR HURTS THIS NEWGROUP? In <46E3FA9A.6090409@obry.net>, Pascal Obry writes: >anon a �crit : >> Showing your TROLLISM! > >Isn't it the fourth or fifth time you called somebody a troll ? Just be >cause somebody does not share your opinion... > >> If you check GNU GNAT 4.3 it contains >> Ada.Numerics.Aux -- for Vxworks which link into GCC C libraies. > >Right. > >> Ada.Numerics.Aux -- for darwin also links to thier GCC C library. > >Right. > >> All Ada.Numerics.Aux use the C code. > >Nope, Gautier was right, the x86 version uses only Asm. > >At this point your credibility is probably around 0 on this forum. NO PROOF, ONLY YOUR OPINION, TYPE OF ANSWER! > >Pascal. > >-- > >--|------------------------------------------------------ >--| Pascal Obry Team-Ada Member >--| 45, rue Gabriel Peri - 78114 Magny Les Hameaux FRANCE >--|------------------------------------------------------ >--| http://www.obry.net >--| "The best way to travel is by means of imagination" >--| >--| gpg --keyserver wwwkeys.pgp.net --recv-key C1082595