> > Please don't assign it to the ARG. The ARG always has much more work > than they can handle. Bringing back the URG or some new group would be > a better idea. > > > > -- > Robert I. Eachus IF we go the way of a new group, who would we have to talk to to get things started, get the big wheel turning? However I think we should have a basis for a structure to suggest first. So on your other post to Martin, when you say to create a structure of names (atleast) I'd say you're right :-)..if not anything else, a text file that represents an image of a possible end product perhaps? That wouldn't be too long too do. Atleast we'd all see (and be able to agree on) a given layout. For that I have to agreewith you :-). -- St�phane Richard "Ada World" Webmaster http://www.adaworld.com