"Bj�rn Persson" wrote in message news:SQ5xh.31105$E02.12554@newsb.telia.net... ... > I do the same. I don't have Flash installed (because I can't stand web pages > full of animated ads). There have been a few Flash applets that were > important enough that I installed the Flash plugin, watched the applet and > removed Flash again, but when people send out links to funny clips on > Youtube and the like I usually don't watch them, thinking they probably > aren't worth all the trouble. But I don't complain about it! Gee, that's too bad. Someone needs to point out to these marketing types that "cool" websites get in the way of finding/providing information. When I was shopping for a car last year, I tried the web sites of various dealers. Several were completely unusable without Flash! I didn't want "brochureware" (in this case, lovely videos of cars driving about with beautiful models at the wheel): I was looking for specs (like the size of the hatch or trunk opening). I ended up having to drive to most of dealers (I consider Flash adware: I spent several hours rooting it out of my Windows XP laptop, as it comes installed by default, complete with its many vulnerabilities.) In the end, I ended up buying from the dealer that allowed plain text navigation. Anyway, the discussion point was the readability and portability of Ada sources. You can probably get by ignoring the exact content of strings, but that's impossible with identifiers. So a program with Chinese identifiers is going to be unreadable to someone outside of China. Now, how am I going to do technical support for those programs? Or use open source programs written that way? Ugh!! Randy.