Well I've made the request at sourceforge for an Ada foundry. I used your name and project :-). now, let's just see what happens. I got user account there already....MystikShadows would be my nick there :-) -- St�phane Richard Senior Software and Technology Supervisor http://www.totalweb-inc.com For all your hosting and related needs "Martin Krischik" wrote in message news:10758952.GMlNtP6uKf@linux1.krischik.com... > Stephane Richard wrote: > > > "Again: Why duplicate SourceForge when SourceForge already exists? Why not > > apply for a SourceForge Ada Foundrie?" > > > > Where can I do that? > > At: > > http://sourceforge.net/docman/display_doc.php?docid=889&group_id=1#foundryrequest > > You will need an SourceForge User to do that. > > You may a add me and my project as supporting you request. > > With Regards > > Martin > > -- > mailto://krischik@users.sourceforge.net > http://www.ada.krischik.com >