You can find tutorials and freely available books in PDF format at my website click on the Learning Center button.... -- St�phane Richard "Ada World" Webmaster "Kevin Simonson" wrote in message > What's a quick way to get access to the Ada Language Reference Manual? > I used to own one but I don't any more. Is it on the Internet some- > where, or do I need to go to Borders or somewhere to buy it or a book > containing it? > > I had a phone interview yesterday with a recruiter who's looking > for someone with Ada experience. I have eight years of Ada experi- > ence, but I last coded back in 1995, so I'm looking for something to > brush up on Ada on. Any information would be greatly appreciated. > > ---Kevin Simonson > > "Maybe it started as a dream, but doesn't everything?" > from _James and the Giant Peach_