Food for Though indeed. :-)....he's not in orientation wise....there's plenty of people working on the servers/datbases/programming languages etc etc....there's OpenOffice which is a good start for the business world....but as far as payroll, inventory control, acounting, receivables etc etc...aint much done in those fields as far as open source goes.... -- St�phane Richard Senior Software and Technology Supervisor For all your hosting and related needs "Marin David Condic" wrote in message > Someone pointed me at the foloowing article: > > > > Its an interesting conversation with the CEO of Ernie Ball - the guitar > string manufacturer. Apparently they totally dumped Micro$oft in favor > of open source software after getting sued for license infringements. > > The interesting part for Ada is that the CEO is identifying some major > holes in the "Open Source" world that he thinks need to be filled. It > would be wise to listen to a successful business customer who might pick > up on something written in Ada and start using it if it were available... > > From the article: > > ------------------------------------------------------------------- > You've pretty much gotten by with off-the-shelf software. Was it tough > to find everything you needed in the open-source world? > Yeah, there are some things that are tough to find, like payroll > software. We found something, and it works well. But the developers need > to start writing the real-world applications people need to run a >, art and design tools, that kind of > stuff...They're all trying to build servers that already exist and do a > whole bunch of stuff that's already out there...I think there's a lot of > room to not just create an alternative to Microsoft but really take the > next step and do something new. > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > > MDC > -- > ====================================================================== > Marin David Condic > I work for: > My project is: > > Send Replies To: m c o n d i c @ a c m . o r g > > "In general the art of government consists in taking as > much money as possible from one class of citizens to give > to the other." > > -- Voltaire > ====================================================================== >