Roland Petrasch ( wrote: : Dear Lionel Draghi, : as far as I know, there is no ADA-generating UML-Tool. : ... I believe Rational Rose supports Ada generation from UML, as does Aonix Software-Through-Pictures. I think some of the others do as well (e.g. Cayenne's tools). It is probably true that you don't get the sources for a full, executable program, but rather mostly package and type definitions. : Roland Petrasch : Fachhochschule f�r Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin : Fachbereich 4, Studiengang Wirtschaftsinformatik : Verwaltungsgeb�ude Raum VG 825 : Treskowallee 8 : 10318 Berlin : Telefon: (030) 5019-2260 / 2328 (Sekretariat FB 4) : Fax: (030) 5019-2462 : Email: oder : WWW: : privat: (030) 891 72 04 (Kurf�rstendamm 142, 10709 Berlin, Germany) : Funk: 0177 321 21 58 -- -Tucker Taft Technical Director, Distributed IT Solutions ( AverStar (formerly Intermetrics, Inc.) Burlington, MA USA