"Larry Elmore" a �crit dans le message news: 3B707688.340B8A70@home.com... > How many standard, cross-compiler, cross-platform libraries exist for > _any_ language? I'd be willing to bet more would be in Fortran than any > other language. You are right, but I doubt that helps Ada a lot. > It's been no more "hyped" than any other OO language. If this is your > argument, why is C++ still around? Microsoft ? > I think your second point is bogus. Reinventing the wheel goes on > everywhere and in every language (and often because the developer feels > he/she can do a better job than whoever came before). It's obvious to me that this is a counterproductive attitude. People fight or at least should fight with very good reasons against this kind of developer's feelings. > No kidding. That's more than you can say about C/C++!!! I agree. Why do you think we use Ada ?