"Robert I. Eachus" wrote in message news:3F941DE0.50906@comcast.net... > Jacob Sparre Andersen wrote: > > > Another one, not quite as effective, would be if those who have written > > the current competing libraries agreed to do it - and to promote the > > winning design in favor of their own old libraries. If both the SAL, > > Grace, LGL and PragmARC (as well as all the one I have forgotten) > > web-sites promoted the winning design, it would be very likely that lazy > > programmers like me switched. > > I guess I favor evolution, not revolution. One of the nice features of > having a registry like I proposed is that you would be able to easily > mix components from multiple libraries without problems. So I think > that having ONE set of naming conventions and consistancy in hierarchies > would be a big step forward. If there is a "best of breed" selection > process that results in some of these components being considered THE > Ada library, and others considered older versions or alternatives we > won't have thirty competing container libraries, but instead will have > two or three good alternatives for a much wider set of capabilities. > > This is not to say that there won't eventually be one way to do some > things, just that if we define a good process that will last for a > decade or so, we will be much better off than with one more unmaintained > library. > > -- > Robert I. Eachus > > "Quality is the Buddha. Quality is scientific reality. Quality is the > goal of Art. It remains to work these concepts into a practical, > down-to-earth context, and for this there is nothing more practical or > down-to-earth than what I have been talking about all along...the repair > of an old motorcycle." -- from Zen and the Art of Motorcycle > Maintenance by Robert Pirsig > A big "I Agree to the whole contents of this message :-) Even to your Quality is Buddha phrase ;-) -- St�phane Richard "Ada World" Webmaster http://www.adaworld.com