Keith Arthurs ( wrote: : In article <"bOc9v2.0.Fr5.VGz5l"@autan>, : on 14 Jan 1995 14:39:45 +0100, : Samuel Tardieu writes: : >I've got two questions for you adaers, which may be in fact one single : >question: : > : �snip� : Yep, it is one question. In Ada, when you have a package that gets with'ed : more than one time, there is only one instance of the package. So any tasks : or objects contained inside the package only have one copy for the executable. : If you need more than one copy of a package and its objects & tasks, you : could create a generic and instantiate it for each instance that you need. Also, if you needed more than one copy of the task, you could use task types... -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- James A. Krzyzanowski - Senior Software Engineer - AFATDS Magnavox Electronic Systems Company * Fort Wayne, IN 46808 * (219) 429-6446 Opinions_Expressed := (Mine and not Magnavox);