Well now you got me wondering, I got visitors coming today, to celebrate it, but maybe it's cause they couldn't come any other day ;-). oh well better early than never...no? ;-) I think it's today? -- St�phane Richard "Ada World" Webmaster http://www.adaworld.com "Preben Randhol" wrote in message news:slrnbscc27.q6u.randhol+valid_for_reply_from_news@k-082243.nt.ntnu.no... > On 2003-11-27, Stephane Richard wrote: > > Happy Thanksgiving to everyone that it applies to :-) > > Is it today? (We don't have this here, so not sure which day it is) > > -- > "Saving keystrokes is the job of the text editor, not the programming > language."