Why not create two different Iterator types: Standard_Iterator and Reversed_Iterator (Or Cat_Iterator and Dog_Iterator)? Each would have its own First, Last, Next, and Previous subroutines. Perhaps a Flip function would be useful too. -CRM "Mark Lundquist" wrote in message news:dcKQ7.23845$Yy.297532@rwcrnsc53... > > "Jeffrey Carter" wrote in message > news:3C114702.98662A90@boeing.com... > > > > If we can't agree on the basic properties of lists we'll never get > > anywhere. Perhaps we need an appeal to authority here. > > Look, you guys both know what a doubly-linked list is; you don't need some > double-dome to weigh in with a ruling on it! > > You are having an argument about nomenclature, not about the basic > properties of anything. You just think you are because you have befuddled > each other with bad arguments. > > Jeffrey -- of course "sequence" (extrinsic ordering) is a fundamental > property of any kind of a linked list. I don't think anyone is confusing > the data structure in question with a set, bag, heap, or any other kind of > intrinsically ordered thing. Your point is irrelevant to the nomenclature > question. Ted doesn't deny that a list has direction, he's saying that a > doubly-linked list has two directions, and for some reason he feels strongly > about any kind of preferential scheme that would seem to establish one end > or direction as secondary or relative (like "Normal" vs. "Bass_Ackwards" > :-). > > But Ted, what's the big whoopie deal about this, anyway? Who cares if the > names have a "directional bias", as long as the semantics are clear? The > important thing is the relationship between the names you choose for the > extremities and the names you choose for "direction", right? So if the > extremities are "Bow" and "Stern", then the directions had better be > "Forward" and "Aft". That's why "Head/Tail" is kinda bad -- with a na�ve > choice for the direction names, like "Forward/Reverse", even the originator > of the naming scheme probably wouldn't be able to keep them straight :-). > But you have to start somewhere, and everybody knows it's arbitrary which > ends you call "First" and "Last". I don't buy the argument that a > preferential naming scheme entails a loss of flexibility or that it obscures > the property of bidirectionality. > > Cheers, > -- mark > > > >