If someone is really convinced that it is a problem, then we'd have another instance where the language can be "improved" with a preprocessor. Build something that collects up the identifiers and creates unique IDs for them and mangles up some case-insensitive names for legal Ada output. I just have my doubts that this is such a horrendous problem for Ada (I'd consider it an advantage!) that if only it had been made case sensitive, C/C++/Java programmers would be flocking to it by the millions. It might even be marketable for those who want to work with a case-sensitive version of Ada. It would need only be smart enough to distinguish between regular Ada files and Case Sensitive Ada(tm). Clearly it is something a lot of people would prefer. Would they prefer it enough to live with a non-standard Ada variant & use a preprocessor? (Better they decide what they are willing to live with than break all the existing Ada code that is out there! :-) MDC -- Marin David Condic Senior Software Engineer Pace Micro Technology Americas www.pacemicro.com Enabling the digital revolution e-Mail: marin.condic@pacemicro.com Web: http://www.mcondic.com/ "FGD" wrote in message news:3BCB2FDA.8060807@look.ca... > This is a distant followup to another thread. I don't think Ada's case > insensitiveness is a problem, though I wonder... Ada 95 was designed to > support characters from many different natural languages. Couldn't there > be a "loophole" here, couldn't a disgruntled C programmer define a > CaseSensitiveEnglish language wherein upper and lower case analogues are > distinguished just like 'e' and '�' are distinguished in French? > > Frank Dorais >