"Kaz Kylheku" a �crit dans le message news: nHUg7.93012$B37.2083519@news1.rdc1.bc.home.com... > So we could say a number of things besides ``sox is written in the > wrong programming language''. > [...] > > Would you hire the programmer who wrote this function, to work with you > on a project in *any* programming language? > Yes, programmers make errors. Two quotes that I love to bring together: From one of the first books about C by K&R: "C was designed on the assumption that the programmer is someone sensible who knows what he's doing" From the introduction of the Ada Reference Manual: "Ada was designed with the concern of programming as a human activity" The fact that these starting hypothesis lead to two completely different philosophies of languages is left as a subject for meditation... -- --------------------------------------------------------- J-P. Rosen (rosen@adalog.fr) Visit Adalog's web site at http://www.adalog.fr