"Lance" a �crit dans le message news: 3B713442.80F2DCE3@yahoo.com... > I've just been assigned a new project at work dealing with ASIS. Not > knowing Ada to begin with has made this quite a challenge. I was > wondering if someone could help with what seems like an easy thing to > do. > There are two specific mailing lists for ASIS questions. From the ASIS page: ASISWG/ASISRG maintains two electronic mail forums: one for general ASIS information and one for technical discussions about ASIS itself. To have your email address added to one or both of these forums, send email to either: SIGAda-ASIS-Request@ACM.Org or SIGAda-ASIS-Tech-Request@ACM.Org with the following information: Name Company address (on as many lines as necessary) Phone Number FAX Number E-mail address(es) World Wide Web URL Mailing address, if different from Company address You'll find very helpful people there (my experience). -- --------------------------------------------------------- J-P. Rosen (rosen@adalog.fr) Visit Adalog's web site at http://www.adalog.fr