"nicolas" a �crit dans le message news: 2sU67.1485$di7.4670499@nnrp3.proxad.net... > "Jean-Pierre Rosen" a �crit dans le message news: > 9jh2cs$aon$1@s1.read.news.oleane.net... > > True, but what I meant is that it is a feature of the JVM, not of the Java > language. > > If you compile Ada for the JVM (Ada-Magic, JGNAT), you'll get exactly the > same binary compatibility. > > Does it work for GUI components ? > If you develop an application with GtkAda for example, and use JGNAT, > do you get something like what you would get with Swing and Java ? > I don't think there is support for Gtk in Java either... If you develop in Ada for the JVM, of course, you will use AWT/Swing/Whatever-is-the-newest-toolkit-today. (and before you ask the question: of course, all Ada compilers on the JVM are 100% interfaced with existing classes, and can use all Java classes). -- --------------------------------------------------------- J-P. Rosen (rosen@adalog.fr) Visit Adalog's web site at http://www.adalog.fr