"nicolas" a �crit dans le message news: lpS67.1427$OA6.4515044@nnrp3.proxad.net... > What I meant is that we write code, we have a working application, and we > can provide it as it is for different platforms. > If the JVM is the only thing that must be ported, at least it's done one for > all for a given platform. > > Ok, you can find different versions of the JVM, compatibility between > Microsoft and Sun can be a problem. > But globally , the concept is excellent, in practice, it works not so bad, > and nobody can deny it is a success. > True, but what I meant is that it is a feature of the JVM, not of the Java language. If you compile Ada for the JVM (Ada-Magic, JGNAT), you'll get exactly the same binary compatibility. -- --------------------------------------------------------- J-P. Rosen (rosen@adalog.fr) Visit Adalog's web site at http://www.adalog.fr