"Stefan Skoglund" a �crit dans le message news: 3B54BF44.646290DC@ebox.tninet.se... > Using the windows look&feel in the GIMP wouldn't work !! Is there a technical reason for that ? We have a proprietary GUI originally developped for DOS It was then ported to Unix And finally to Windows when it came to evidence that in our market every DOS user and 99% of unix users switched to Windows. Originally it was a Motif look GUI. A few years ago we changed the look to a Windows look GUI There was some strong debate about that, but a few weeks after the change, nobody (us internally as well as customers) would even think in coming back to Motif I have a RH 7.0 where a lot of things have a Windows look. When you use swing, you have a choice, but you have a Windows look By the way, are you sure it is very useful to re-invent swing again ?