I obviously cannot vouch for the accuracy of someone else's web site. I offered the link as someplace that would have some information about companies using Ada. How up to date is it? I'd contact the site owner. I don't know of any other more up to date sources offhand. The AdaPower website is where one should start for finding info about Ada - including who might be using it. There are a lot of links there to follow for more information. Other sources of info would possibly be SIGAda http://www.acm.org/sigada/ and some of the links you may find on my web page (See: http://www.mcondic.com/) Just for grins, here are a whole bunch of links I've got in my bookmarks - in no particular order. http://www.adapower.org/ http://www.adaos.org/ http://www.gnuada.org/alt.html http://www.gnat.com/ http://www.ghs.com/ http://www.oarcorp.com/ http://www2.dynamite.com.au/aebrain/ADACASE.HTM http://www.tcsigada.org/meeting/feb99mtg.htm http://www.usafa.af.mil/dfcs/adamindstorms.htm http://www.usafa.af.mil/dfcs/bios/mcc_html/adagide.html http://www.gnuada.org/ http://www.eng.auburn.edu/department/cse/research/grasp/ http://ctrpc17.ctr.unican.es/marte.html http://home.t-online.de/home/Christ-Usch.Grein/Ada/ http://www.stsc.hill.af.mil/crosstalk/2000/aug/mccormick.asp http://www.science-books.net/ada.htm http://perso.wanadoo.fr/pascal.obry/contrib.html http://members.nbci.com/ldulman/vad.htm http://home.trouwweb.nl/Jerry/ http://www.chez.com/bignumber/index.html http://burks.bton.ac.uk/ http://libre.act-europe.fr/ http://www.acm.org/sigada/ada_letters/ http://www.cs.kuleuven.ac.be/conference/AE2001/program.html#speak http://www.ccur.com/vod/index.htm http://www.abssw.com/ http://www.acm.org/sigada/ http://www-inf.enst.fr/ANC/ http://www.cs.kuleuven.ac.be/~dirk/ada-belgium/success/Who_s_Using_Ada.html All these pages had something to do with Ada. Undoubtedly there are a lot more, but this is just what was in my collection of bookmarks at the moment. Enjoy! MDC -- Marin David Condic Senior Software Engineer Pace Micro Technology Americas www.pacemicro.com Enabling the digital revolution e-Mail: marin.condic@pacemicro.com Web: http://www.mcondic.com/ "Tapio Marjom�ki" wrote in message news:3B45E0E9.E3E7BB55@nokia.com... Marin David Condic wrote: " For some indication of who is using Ada, visit: http://www.cs.kuleuven.ac.be/~dirk/ada-belgium/success/Who_s_Using_Ada.html " There is mentioned something about Nokia. "Finland Nokia Information Systems: online banking systems." Would there be anywhere available more fresh statistic than that above ... As far as I know Nokia does not nowadays use Ada, but has used in the 1980's, when it (we) tried to do a 32-bit supermini, but we were too much ahead of time.. or something... Tapio Marjom�ki, Software Designer