"srini" a �crit dans le message news: 3AD153E2.D03565FC@worldnet.att.net... > How about gnat.directory_operations from gnat. I have had good success > with it. This in combination with gnat.command_line perform most > directory related services one might require. I hope any enhancements to > the Ada package hierarchy would mirror these packages. > It's fine, but supported only by Gnat. Actually, one of the implementations of OS_Services is built on top of these packages. Also, OS_Services is intended to be flexible and extensible, i.e. allow you to benefit from OS pecularities, while still providing a hard kernel of operations that work on every OS. The way it is designed, if you try to use a feature that is not available on your OS, the program will simply not compile. (Put it the other way round: if it compiles, it works). And it avoids the "least common denominator" problem when you want a portable interface. -- --------------------------------------------------------- J-P. Rosen (rosen@adalog.fr) Visit Adalog's web site at http://www.adalog.fr