Preben Randhol wrote in message > On Wed, 16 May 2001 14:56:38 +0200, Atle R�stad wrote: > > Is it possible to print out the package name? > > > > It would be a nice feature in tracing. Maybe even print the > > procedure/function name. > > What do you mean? > Example: Text_Io.Put_Line(Get_Package_Name&"::"&Get_Procedure_Name&": Some trace comment"); Where output would be something like: Perfect_World::Meaning_Of_Life: Some trace comment where the package name the Text_Io statement was written in is Perfect_World and the name of the procedure was Meaning_Of_Life. This would be helpful in debugging a big system. The procedure name may be overkill, but at least the package name would be nice. /Atle > -- > Preben Randhol ------------------- -- > �For me, Ada95 puts back the joy in programming.�