yes i,m very intrested! sorry for such a long absense but i had some problems with connecting to news thank you everybody for any help james U�ytkownik Singlespeeder w wiadomo�ci do grup dyskusyjnych napisa�:94nh2q$r52$ > Several military software engineers I know that once worked on flight > simulators and prototype avionic development ended up leaving their pooly > paid defense industry masters and taking huge salary increases to go writing > commercial flight sim software. Mind you most of the RAD was done in C on > Alphas or Silicon Graphics Irix boxes so whether they can offer you any Ada > insights. Ada was left to those that had to write 1000 lines of > documentation per 1 line of code ;-) > > If you're interested in avionics stuff I'd ask the commercial flight sim > boys over the people coding the "real" thing. From what I've seen of actual > military aircraft software I think that any commercial software is probably > of a more interesting nature anyway. If it's too complex it's too difficult > to prove and test, so avionic software tends to be simple, well known, well > understood algorithms. It's just how you bolt it together. > > Nick > > > "Just love those laser guided bombs, they're really great for righting > wrongs" > > > "J.B." wrote in message news:93sntf$rkd$ > > does anybody know something about using ADA in military aicrafts systems? > > thank you for any help. > > james. > > > > > >