"Marin David Condic" a �crit dans le message news: 3A659B05.4FA24A08@mindspring.com... > You do have System.System_Name available to you, but it is, of course, system/implementation dependent as to what the values will be. > So you can't write codes that said something to the effect: > And it is specially unfortunate that in GNAT System_Name has the same single value, SYSTEM_NAME_GNAT, on all targets... > I suppose it could be possible that the compiler vendors could agree on some set of enumerals and keep the list updated as new targets > emerge. That would enable code to be written that would get past the compiler. It just wouldn't do you any good if a specific system > wasn't supported. That naturally reduces product distinction and starts moving compilers more towards commodities, but there are > probably enough ways of distinguishing compilers that such an interoperability feature wouldn't harm the business. > Note that it is the purpose of OS_Services to allow a common specification, with implementations that depend on the system. If this (or a similar) package was provided by every vendor, it would solve the issue. This idea has been flying around for a while... -- --------------------------------------------------------- J-P. Rosen (Rosen.Adalog@wanadoo.fr) Visit Adalog's web site at http://pro.wanadoo.fr/adalog