"Stephen Leake" a �crit dans le message news: u8zqe5klh.fsf@gsfc.nasa.gov... > Robert Dewar writes: > > > > > > > It's really there to provide an easy explanation for what > > happens in the case of derived types. I think it's actually > > misguided, because although it makes the explanation of derived > > types easier, it introduces a bogus misleading feature into the > > language that is of very little practical use and which causes a > > lot of confusion, even among people who know Ada well! > > I think that's a bit strong. I've had occasion to use type conversion > on out parameters, without using derived types (no examples readily at > hand, or at least they are hard to find). I should think needing to > convert an out parameter would happen about as often as needing to > convert an in parameter, or a function result. The syntax may seem a > little backwards, but if you think of it as "convert this object as > needed to match the subprogram specification" it makes more sense. > Typical example is if you define: type My_String is array (My_integer_type range <>) of character; It is nice to be able to use Get_Line... -- --------------------------------------------------------- J-P. Rosen (Rosen.Adalog@wanadoo.fr) Visit Adalog's web site at http://pro.wanadoo.fr/adalog