a �crit dans le message <8l2q5o$>... >In article <>, Scott says... > >>from my perspective as an electronic technician that maintaining an >>embedded system in Ada (which is one of my jobs) is much easier than >>maintaining a system of equal complexity in C (also one of my jobs.) > >I think maintaining a large program in Ada is much easier than in any >other language. I second that. >I download Ada code written more than 10 years ago, and it will just compile >with no errors or warnings. Try that with C or C++ or Java. Same experience, I have some nice package created in 1986 that are just working fine. I've never fixed the code since then. I have not a single C source of this kind. >The more I work in the software industry, the more I am amazed on how >much time is wasted by not using the better tool for the job. I second that. >As others said, any programmer worth half his salary should be able to >learn Ada in few days, and become good enough at it in few short weeks. Definitly. Everybody seems to worry about training... except when it is for the hype languages. It stange that there is only problems when we talk about Ada. The is just no problem for C++, Java and wait for C# ! Does somebody will say well C# is good but we'll have to train our programers ? I don't think so... And again we will restart from scratch, C# is good but we could had that, and every single good component will be trashed and rewritted in C# (with many bugs added), programmers will be less efficient in C# because it is new, programmers doing C# will be more expensive for some time... well until the next very-good-killer-to-of-the-art language :) Whose turn after SUN and Microsoft ? Pascal. --|------------------------------------------------------ --| Pascal Obry Team-Ada Member --| 45, rue Gabriel Peri - 78114 Magny Les Hameaux FRANCE --|------------------------------------------------------ --| --| --| "The best way to travel is by means of imagination"