In article <8kl8i8$caf$>, "Jean-S�bastien Lebacq" wrote: > Quelles sont les options � sitpuler � gnatmake pour le que le programme > soit compil� sans les instructions de contr�le (de d�passement lors des > calculs, etc...) ? Ces instructions sont tr�s utiles pendant le d�buggage, > mais l' ex�cutable s'en retrouve tr�s lent. > > merci d'avance, JSL. For future reference this is an english only newsgroup. If you want to post in French, you will find the French Ada newsgroup to be more useful. Generally you definitely need the GNAT documentation to use GNAT. Trying to use gnatmake without the documentation will result in inefficiencies and mistakes. If you don't have the documentation (it should be in all distributions), you should track it down. Sent via Before you buy.