Wes Groleau a �crit dans le message : 390F4E33.BEB43E10@ftw.rsc.raytheon.com... > > > Does anyone have any advice on multi-task X window apps under Gnat Ada. > > There is an X-server available which is allegedly: > > - written entirely in Ada 95 > - fully re-entrant, i.e., task safe > - X11R6-compliant > > I have no clue about its cost or its quality. I do know I filled out > their request-for-more-info form at least twice and never heard from > them. > > http://www.topgraphx.com/ > I don't think this is an X *server*, it's a rewriting of the X-lib, so it's more an X *client*. Moreover, it's a fully proprietary product - but very nice, AFAIK. BTW, it is fully tasking safe - even the Motif interface. -- --------------------------------------------------------- J-P. Rosen (Rosen.Adalog@wanadoo.fr) Visit Adalog's web site at http://pro.wanadoo.fr/adalog