Terry Westley a �crit dans le message : L_DP4.1$GS.1551@wdc-read-01.qwest.net... > Does anyone know of a difference tool which understands the syntax of Ada? > > Here's the context: > > We use Clearcase for configuration management. Clearcase provides a useful > merge facility for reconciling changes to one source file made by multiple > people. > > Unfortunately, it's based on a pretty simple diff tool. Most of the time > it's OK, > but sometimes I'd really like to know if the only changes to a file are > reformatting > or comment changes. Then I can better make decisions about what needs to > be tested or whether I even want to accept a specific change in certain > releases. > > Any suggestions? > On Adalog's component page (http://pro.wanadoo.fr/adalog/compo2.htm), you'll find a small utility called Normalize that processes an Ada source and removes comments, unnecessary spaces, and turns the whole text (except strings) upper-case. This is precisely intended to make a diff on the "semantic" part of the program. FWIW.... (I wrote this because of a lengthy discussion on this topic here some times ago. It turned out that it was faster to write the utility than to discuss about its desirability ;-) -- --------------------------------------------------------- J-P. Rosen (Rosen.Adalog@wanadoo.fr) Visit Adalog's web site at http://pro.wanadoo.fr/adalog