Gautier a �crit dans le message : > But would you agree that your Variable_String [] > is missing as Ada.Variable_String ? > The difficult point is to what extent should libraries go to the standard. In 83, the line of the party was that there was no need to put libraries that could easily be written by the user; that was the reason for not having complex types, for example. In 95, it was recognized that this lead too often to people rewriting all the time the same modules with slightly different interfaces, and the borderline was moved to include more libraries - but certainly not all libraries that could be useful, or even desirable. In this example, the question is whether this very simple functionnality was worth presenting a fourth variation of strings. Clearly a judgement call, someone had to make a decision, and it was no. People who need this are welcome to download it :-) -- --------------------------------------------------------- J-P. Rosen ( Visit Adalog's web site at