Ted Dennison a �crit dans le message : 8emo1d$21p$1@nnrp1.deja.com... > One of the subgoals of an OpenSource project done in Ada should be to > (incedentally) win some mindshare for Ada by attracting hackers to the > project. Even if there is *no* C alternative, I suspect the project will > constantly have to be fighting off attmpts to "port" it to C by > conservative C hackers. Having an acceptable C alternative already > working would make the situation much more tenuous. However I firmly > believe the day will come when we are ready to fight and win that battle > too. Good point, but multi-tasking can be a plus for an X-server, and something that could keep C-hackers from translating... > But more importantly for me, I have no use for an X server. Perhaps you > have some insight that tells you that my misgivings above are total BS, > or that I'm missing some important fact that makes the whole thing > feasable. By all means give it a shot if you think it'd work. After all, > *I* thought FAX machines were an incredibly dumb idea... > Typically, it's useful for all people (like me) who carry a laptop under WinXX, and connect it at work to a network of Unix machines. Sometimes you want to use the laptop as a terminal... It can also be useful to some projects that use the X interface even under WinXX, because they want portability of the user interface, and the project started on Unix machines (of course I KNOW there are alternatives, I'm just saying that such projects exist - Escadre (http://escadre.cad.etca.fr:1815) is a big example). -- --------------------------------------------------------- J-P. Rosen (Rosen.Adalog@wanadoo.fr) Visit Adalog's web site at http://pro.wanadoo.fr/adalog