Ray Blaak a �crit dans le message : ug0sg4vmk.fsf@infomatch.com... > "Jean-Pierre Rosen" writes: > > I would rather say that what makes OO is the fact that ADT's represent and > > are modelled after real-life objects, i.e. that a program is no more defined > > as a sequence of actions to be performed by a computer, but as a > > representation, a modelization, of the real world. FWIW. > > I have always disagreed with this. After all, you can use the OO paradigm to > model abstract concepts that don't exist in the real world. That real-world > objects are often most easily modelled using the OO paradigm is instead a > matter of a good application of OO, as opposed to a definition of OO. > By "real world", I mean things that normal people (i.e. not computer wizzards) can deal with; of course it includes abstract concepts. What I mean is that you think in terms of "catalog of goods", not in terms of "hash-table of unique references in the data base". -- --------------------------------------------------------- J-P. Rosen (Rosen.Adalog@wanadoo.fr) Visit Adalog's web site at http://pro.wanadoo.fr/adalog