David, how easy or difficult is it for a U.S. citizen to get a work permit for Belgium or Switzerland? Last I heard, it was for all practical purposes impossible in the United Kingdom. "David Marceau" wrote in message news:3E3AE20D.AAA210DE@sympatico.ca... > Wes Groleau wrote: > > > > Well, one Ada proponent has just been asked > > to find a new line of work. > > > > C/C++ is unacceptable (except as a minor > > part of the job), and I don't want to relocate > > any more. So I guess I'll become a Spanish teacher! > > > > I'll still peek in here once in a while.... > Mr. Groleau, > > I have seen many of your postings in here. I do believe that you are a > competent programmer that has seen some difficult times at work recently > as most people in the industry. > > I would guess that your personal feelings have been hurt by all this and > especially because from what I understand you also lost your job. > > IMHO you must be just feeling bad right now. I think after thinking > about it for a while you'll see that you just did a brain fart and don't > mean it. You care about Ada/building working code too much to just up > and go away from it. Then again I may be wrong and it may really be > time for you to move on. > > That's what I said about programming a few years ago after having gone > through a burn out. Actually I'm pretty sure coding is what I was > supposed to do with my life and from what I can see you like this stuff > too much. > > I'll bet you'll be back coding ada after some much needed rest teaching > Spanish. Not to get too existential but "Follow your heart" :) This > might mean relocating at a later date. > > Once you do decide to relocate, I've seen some ada jobs posted around > EASTERN U.S., BELGIUM, SWITZERLAND, and ENGLAND. Just recently one > opened up in OTTAWA CANADA(Christine Hamilton ) which > means there are ADA JOBS floating around. > http://www.adapower.com/ > http://www.adaic.org/ -- some job listings > http://www.acm.org/sigada/ > http://www.cs.kuleuven.ac.be/~dirk/ada-belgium/ -- some job listings > -- for many places where Ada is being used and where you might post your > cv: > http://www.seas.gwu.edu/~mfeldman/ada-project-summary.html > One other place you might target sending your cv would be to all the > participants of a convention recently mentioned in Crosstalk: > http://www.stsc.hill.af.mil/crosstalk/2003/02/ > > Also check out TNI Europe http://www.tni-world.com/how_to_find_us.asp > This company is a HOOD METHODOLOGY tool builder generating code for Ada > and are always looking for more senior ada programmers. > Congleton(Cheshire, England) is a beautiful place with lots of > history(ancient roman relics found here/huguenots and catholic history) > and the employer(Mr. Tony Elliston ) > treats his employees well. > > Sant� bonheur,(I wish you health and happiness,) > David Marceau