On Thu, 23 Feb 1995, Jean D Ichbiah responded to David Weller: JI> Ada has a future only if a bridge to faster development tools and > frameworks (such as OWL) can be established. Without this kind > of bridge, Ada will not be cost-effective for developing Windows > applications. If Ada ends up not being a cost-effective way to > develop, how will anyone be able to continue supporting Ada? Amen, brother... JI> Object Pascal may be a lesser language than Ada, but with the Delphi > environment, its tools, and its components, developing applications in > it will be much more cost-effective than with current Ada environment > (my past association with Alsys prevent me from commenting on ActivAda). I was one of the first 1000 people on the second day of Software Development '95 and scarfed a gamma copy of Delphi. I was so impressed by what it does and its level of integration that I immediately hopped over to Programmer's Paradise to order a copy of the GA edition. I covet an Ada compiler with half that level of integration, but I am realistic enough to realize that I won't be seeing one in my lifetime... Regards, Mikey PGP Key available on popular servers 1024 Fingerprint = 56 12 CF A9 0E 53 A4 C4 49 F2 AF E7 F1 D3 47 5F 2047 Fingerprint = A2 96 BD 54 AD C2 76 C2 C7 B0 F1 C7 E2 4E 1E 80 --- � MR/2 2.2 � Hot water heaters: Hot water needs heating?