(Gisle S�lensminde) writes: > In article , Faried Nawaz wrote: > >Gautier writes: > > > > 2) the 1st standardized OO language is missing in your > > OOL part: Ada (95) ... > > > >CL -- standardized in 1994. > > Ada was the first _International_ standarized language, and became an > international standard in 1995 short time before Common Lisp. Common Lisp > became an American standard i 1994, but that was not the first > standardized OO language. Why do you omit the fact that in December 1968 the General Assembly of IFIP approved the document "Report on the Algorithmic Language Algol 68"? That was an international standard long before Ada was ever thought of, let alone standardised. The "Revised Report on the Algorithmic Language Algol 68" was also approved by IFIP in 1974. You omitted that also. Is that because you're an Ada freak and so other international programming languages just don't exist? -- Sian Leitch Are you one of the lucky people who has prepared for Y2K? Or is your head still in the sand?