Greetings: I was wondering if there are any general suggestions on how to cope with GNAT giving an "insufficient memory" error. The scenario: -- Ada spec and body, with about 60+ separates, each of which has significant amounts of code. -- GNAT compiler version (gasp!) 3.05 for DOS: � -- Running under Win95. � -- Configured MS-DOS session to 640K conventional memory, 4096K environment. � -- Machine has 32M memory, allowing Win95 to allocate virtual memory. -- GNAT compiler version 3.09 for Win95: � -- Running Win95. � -- Machine has 16M memory, allowing Win95 to allocate virtual memory. Both machines have the same problem -- both bail due to "insufficient memory". Running with the "-v" verbose option, I can see that gnat1.exe is the executable which is running out of memory. (BTW, the code _does_ compile -- I'm trying to port it to a PC.� It compiles fine under Apex on a Sun Solaris.) Any help is greatly appreciated. =) Larry Stanbery -------------------==== Posted via Deja News ====----------------------- Search, Read, Post to Usenet