hehe well thank you to pin point this for me. I will definitely have no excuse as how to translate ( in french) frame. There are allways huge holes when you learn a language dynamically,and it's allways good to face and clarify them. As a matter of fact, your last answer was the good one. I'm in need of a GUI for Ada. And would like two things: - a accomplished GUI for Ada - that could be used under Linux and Microsoft Window ( I feel that this point cannot be solved). For now i've seen that there's win32ada, windex, and Gtkada. Which is the best developped one? Win32Ada seems the one. Stephen Leake a �crit dans le message : uzovms9dr.fsf@gsfc.nasa.gov... > bomet writes: > > > I'd like to begin using frames with ada.Have installed both under my > > linux system and window98. > > Anyone know what is the best tool for this use?? > > You'll have to tell us what you mean by "frames" first. > > Do you mean the concept from artificial intelligence, where a "frame" > is (loosely, I don't really do this stuff) a set of concepts defining > a context for understanding other concepts? > > Or from robotics, where a "frame" is a Cartesian coordinate system > allowing one to define vectors? (I used to do this a lot; I can send > you some good Ada 83 code). > > Or from a non-standard extension to HTML, where a "frame" is a device > that prevents users from bookmarking useful pages? > > Or from Graphical User Interfaces, where a "frame" is a sort of > "window"? (See http://users.erols.com/leakstan/Stephe/Ada/windex.html > for my stuff for Win32; www.adapower.com for more) > > -- Stephe