In article <01bf3ef8$ebdec540$022a6282@dieppe>, "Pascal Obry" wrote: > > > Adrian Hoe a �crit dans l'article > <82ctkj$ti$>... > > My team members are quite sad on the feedbacks on CLA. For Ada sake, > > these people are trying to give their best in helping to promote Ada in > > Malaysia. Why put down their spirit??? > > I don't think that was the goal here. Just that your data are so good that > everybody > was in right to doubt a bit :-) Anyway it is definitly a very good > feedbacks given > your comments. Thanks for the effort, I do know that it is not that easy to > build > this kind of statistics. > > Bear in mind that we are certainly all here to promote Ada, but for that we > must > just be careful to not buy blindly any comment we can found on the Web :-) > This > will for sure deserve Ada greatly! We can't deny this site look so `great' that some further comments have been left out. > Again, thanks for the data, I have bookmarked this page :) thanks for bookmarking the site. Adrian BY, Hoe -------------- Sent via Before you buy.